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王涛,男,1995年生,甘肃会宁人,理学博士,青年研究员。主要从事平流层对流层相互作用、海气相互作用等方面的研究,在Geophysical Research Letters、Journal of Climate、Climate Dynamics等期刊发表学术论文28篇(SCI论文26篇),主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目、甘肃省青年基金项目以及中国博士后科学基金面上项目。









2017年9月-2022年6月, 600cc全讯白菜自助注册, 大气物理学与大气环境,博士

2013年9月-2017年6月, 600cc全讯白菜自助注册, 大气科学, 学士



2024年12月-至今, 600cc全讯白菜自助注册, 青年研究员

2022年7月-2024年11月, 全讯600cc大白菜地理学博士后流动站, 萃英博士后



(1) 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目“北极平流层过程对季节-次季节尺度北大西洋海表过程的影响”(42405070), 2025.01-2027.12, 主持

(2) 甘肃省青年基金项目“北极平流层极涡振幅的长期变化及其对北半球地表气温的影响”(23JRRA1095), 2023.07-2025.06, 主持

(3) 中国博士后科学基金面上项目“北极平流层极涡通过北太平洋路径引起的东亚天气气候变化”(2023M731455), 2023.07-2024.06, 主持



(1) Tao Wang, Xiaohua Gou*, Xuejia Wang*, Hongwen Liu, Fei Xie (2024) Equatorward Shift of ENSO-related Subtropical Jet Anomalies in Recent Decades. Atmospheric Research, 297:107109, DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2023.107109.

(2) Tao Wang, Xiaohua Gou*, Wenshou Tian, Xuejia Wang, Fei Xie (2023) The Relationships between Meridional Position of North Pacific Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies and North American Surface Temperatures Revealed by CMIP6 Models. Geophysical Research Letters, 50(14): e2022GL102096.

(3)Tao Wang, Qiang Fu, Wenshou Tian*, Hongwen Liu, Yifeng Peng, Fei Xie, Hongying Tian, Jiali Luo (2023) The Influence of Meridional Variation in North Pacific Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies on the Arctic Stratospheric Polar Vortex. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 40(12):2262–2278.

(4) Tao Wang, Wenshou Tian*, Yufeng Lin, Xiaohua Gou, Hongwen Liu, Xuejia Wang, Fei Xie (2023) Decadal changes in the relationship between Arctic stratospheric ozone and sea surface temperatures in the North Pacific. Atmospheric Research, 292(22):106870.

(5)Tao Wang, Wenshou Tian*, Tao Lian, Cheng Sun, Fei Xie, Jiankai Zhang, Qingqing Yin (2022) Meridional Position Changes of the Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies in the North Pacific. Journal of Climate, 35(1):305–321.

(6)Tao Wang, Wenshou Tian*, Jiankai Zhang, Mian Xu, Tao Lian, Dingzhu Hu, Kai Qie (2022) Surface Ocean Current Variations in the North Pacific Related to Arctic Stratospheric Ozone. Climate Dynamics, 59(11):3087–3111.

(7)Tao Wang, Wenshou Tian*, Jiankai Zhang, Fei Xie, Ruhua Zhang, Jinlong Huang, Dingzhu Hu (2020) Connections between Spring Arctic Ozone and the Summer Circulation and Sea Surface Temperatures over the Western North Pacific. Journal of Climate, 33(7):2907–2923.
